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(p. 9) aṇimā tenuity, subtlety, extreme thinness or fineness or transparency (which is almost invisible); the supernal power of assuming an extremely thin (and almost invisible) form by means of which gods and demi-gods can move everywhere invisibly. 129)
(p. 30) anupaśamanīẏa not possible to alleviate or assuage, unrelievable, unmitigable; incurable. 103)
(p. 63) abhaẏa fearlessness; courage; assurance that no harm shall be done. a. fearless, dauntless; courageous; that which removes fear. অভয় দেওয়া v. to assure that no harm shall come. ̃বাক্য, ̃বাণী n. assurance or pledge of safety or security. অভয়া n. fem. an appellation of Goddess Durga (দুর্গা). 35)
(p. 71) amāẏika candid, open-hearted, frank, ingenuous, guileless; affectionate, loving; unpretentious, unassuming, modest; polite, courteous, genial, amiable. ̃তা n. candour, open-heartedness, frankness, modesty; ingenuousness; affectionateness; politeness, geniality, amiability; bonhomie. 10)
(p. 107) ātma own; belonging to or related to one's own self. আত্ম pfx. self-, by or of one's own self, mutual etc. ̃কলহ n. internal discord or dissension; domestic discord; civil strife. ̃কৃত a. done or performed by one's own self. ̃কেন্দ্রিক a. self-centred; one who thinks only about himself. ̃গত a. kept to one's own self; aside; absorbed in one's own self, self-possessed. ̃গরজি a. preoccupied with self-interest; self-interested. ̃গরিমা same as আত্মগর্ব । ̃গরুজে dial. corrup. of আত্মগরজি । ̃গর্ব n. self-conceit, vanity. ̃গর্বী a. self-conceited, bloated or puffed up with pride. ̃গোপন n. concealment or disguise of one's own self or identity. ̃গোপন করা v. to go into hiding, to hide, to conceal one's own identity. ̃গৌরব n. self-glorification; self-conceit; self-praise. ̃গ্লানি n. self-reproach; remorse. ̃ঘাত n. suicide. ̃ঘাতী a. one who kills himself, self-killing, suicidal. fem. ̃ঘাতিনী । ̃চিন্তা n. meditation about atman or God; spiritual meditation; thinking about one's own interest or welfare. ̃চেতনা n. self-consciousness. ̃জ n. a son fem. আত্মজা a daughter. ̃জীবনী n. an autobiography. ̃জ্ঞ a. possessing selfknowledge; possessing spiritual or metaphysical knowledge or wisdom. ̃জ্ঞান n. spiritual or metaphysical knowledge or wisdom. ̃জ্ঞানী a. in possession of spiritual or metaphysical knowledge n. a spiritualist; a metaphysician. ̃তত্ত্ব n. spiritual or metaphysical knowledge. ̃তত্ত্বজ্ঞ a. in possession of spiritual or metaphysical knowledge. ̃তুষ্ট, ̃তৃপ্ত a. self-complacent. ̃তুষ্টি, ̃তৃপ্তি n. self-complacency, self-content. ̃তুল্য a. like one's own self, self-like. fem. ̃তুল্যা । ̃ত্যাগ n. self-abnegation, self-denial; self-sacrifice. ̃ত্যাগী a. self-denying; self-sacrificing. ̃ত্রাণ n. rescue or salvation of one's own self. ̃দমন n. self-restraint, self-control. ̃দর্শন n. self-examination, introspection; self-realization. ̃দর্শিতা n. practice or capacity of self-examination or introspection or self-realization. ̃দর্শী a. self-examining, introspecting; self-realizing. ̃দান n. self-sacrifice. ̃দোষ n. one's own fault. ̃দোষক্ষালন n. act of clearing oneself of a charge; act of justifying one's own conduct; cleanup of one's own self. ̃দ্রোহ n. self-torment, self-torture; internal discord. ̃দ্রোহী a. self-tormenting, self-torturing; indulging in or involved in internal strife. n. a self-tormentor, a self-torturer; one who indulges in or is involved in internal strife. fem. ̃দ্রোহিণী । ̃নিগ্রহ n. self-torture, self-repression, self-inflicted pain; masochism. ̃নিন্দা n. self-condemnation, self-accusation. ̃নিবিষ্ট a. self-absorbed, egocentric, self-centred, wrapped up in oneself. ̃নিবেদন n. offering one's own self, selfdedication; self-sacrifice. ̃নিয়ন্ত্রণ n. self-control; self-government, self-discipline. ̃নিয়োগ n. engaging one's own self; self-appointment. ̃নির্ধারণ n. selfdetermination. ̃নির্ভর n. self-help; selfreliance. a. working for oneself, independent of external aid, self-reliant, self-supporting. ̃নির্ভরশীল a. self-reliant. ̃নিষ্ঠ a. devoted to God or atman; devout; self-devoted; subjective; introspective. ̃নিষ্ঠা n. devotion to God or atman; devoutness; self-devotion; subjectivity; introspection. ̃নেপদ n. (Sans. gr.) a mode of conjugating verbs. ̃নেপদী a. of or in or according to this mode. ̃পক্ষ n. one's own side or party or team or supporters or people etc. ̃পক্ষসমর্থন n. self-defence. ̃পক্ষ সমর্থন করা v. to defend oneself. ̃পর n. oneself and others; near and far ones; friend and foe. a. selfish, self-devoted. ̃পরতা n. selfishness; self-love, self-devotion. ̃পরায়ণ a. (phil.) devoted to God or atman; devout; selfish, self-devoted. ̃পরিচয় n. introduction of one's own self. আত্মপরিচয় গোপন করা v. to conceal one's own identity. আত্মপরিচয় দেওয়া v. to introduce oneself. ̃পরীক্ষা n. selfexamination, self-scrutiny; introspection. ̃পীড়ন n. self-torture. ̃প্রকাশ n. public appearance; self-revelation; self-assertion. ̃প্রচার n. self-advertisement. ̃প্রতারণা n. self-deception. ̃প্রত্যয় n. self-confidence; (rare) conviction. ̃প্রত্যয়শীল a. self-confident, self-assured. ̃প্রবঞ্চনা same as আত্মপ্রতারণা । ̃প্রশংসা n. self-praise. আত্মপ্রশংসা করা v. to praise one's own self, to blow one's own trumpet. ̃প্রসাদ n. self-satisfaction, self-complacency. ̃বঞ্চনা n. selfdeception. ̃বত্ adv. like one's own self. a. self-like. ̃বলি, ̃বলিদান n. self-immolation, self-sacrifice. আত্মবলি দেওয়া v. to sacrifice oneself. ̃বশ a. independent; self-directed; self-restrained; (rare) self-devoted. n. self-restraint. ̃বিকাশ n. manifestation or development of one's own self. ̃বিক্রয় n. undesirable and servile submission to somebody or something for some gain; selling out oneself; selling one's soul. ̃বিগ্রহ, ̃বিচ্ছেদ n. internal discord; civil strife; domestic quarrel. ̃বিত্, ̃বিদ same as ̃আত্মজ্ঞ । ̃বিদ্যা n. knowledge about God and atman; theology; spiritual knowledge. ̃বিনাশ same as আত্মবিলোপ । ̃বিরোধ n. self-contradiction; self-repugnance; internal discord; civil strife; domestic quarrel. ̃বিরোধী a. self-contradictory; self-repugnant; given to or involved in internal discord or civil strife or domestic quarrel. ̃বিলোপ n. self-effacement. ̃বিশ্বাস n. self-confidence. ̃বিশ্বাসী a. self-confident. ̃বিসর্জন n. self-sacrifice, self-abnegation, self-denial. ̃বিস্মরণ, ̃বিস্মৃতি n. self-forgetfulness, self-oblivion; absent-mindedness. ̃বিস্মৃত. a. self-oblivious; absent-minded. ̃বিস্মৃত হওয়া v. to forget oneself. ̃বুদ্ধি n. one's own thinking power or intellect or knowledge; knowledge about one's own selfconsciousness. ̃বেদী same as আত্মজ্ঞ । ̃বোধ n. knowledge about one's own self, self-consciousness; self-realization. ̃মগ্ন a. self-absorbed. ̃মগ্ন সংলাপ n. soliloquy. ̃মর্যাদা n. self-respect, self-esteem. ̃মর্যাদাজ্ঞান, ̃মর্যাদাবোধ n. sense of self-respect or self-esteem. ̃মর্যাদাপূর্ণ, ̃মর্যাদাশালী a. full of self-respect or self-esteem. ̃মর্যাদাশূন্য, ̃মর্যাদাহীন a. devoid of self-respect or self-esteem. আত্মম্ভরি a. overwhelmingly self-interested, selfish; self-conceited, egotistical, vain. আত্মম্ভরিতা n. extreme self-interest, selfishness; self-conceitedness, vanity. ̃রক্ষা n. self-protection, self-preservation; self-defence. আত্মরক্ষা করা v. to protect or preserve oneself; to defend oneself. ̃রতি n. auto-erotism, sexual excitement generated by one's own body. ̃রূপ n. selfhood. adv. like one's own self. ̃লোপ n. same as আত্মবিলোপ । ̃শক্তি n. one's own power; power of the spirit. ̃শাসন n. self-government; self-control, self-discipline. ̃শাসিত a. self-governed; self-governing. ̃শিক্ষিত a. self-taught, self-educated. ̃শুদ্ধি, ̃শোধন n. self-purification. ̃শ্লাঘা n. self-praise, boasting, selfapplause. ̃শ্লাঘাপরায়ণ a. given to selfpraise or boasting, boastful. ̃শ্লাঘাপূর্ণ a. boastful. ̃সংবরণ n. checking oneself, self-restraint. আত্মসংবরণ করা v. to check or restrain oneself. ̃সংযম n. continence; self-restraint, collectedness. ̃সংযমী a. self-continent; self-restrained. ̃সংশোধন n. self-correction. আত্মসংশোধন করা v. to rectify oneself. ̃সমর্থন n. self-defence. আত্মসমর্থন করা v. to defend oneself or plead for oneself. ̃সমর্পণ n. surrender; capitulation, selfdedication. আত্মসমর্পণ করা v. to surrender, to yield or give up oneself; to capitulate; to dedicate oneself. ̃সমাহিত a. self-absorbed. ̃সমীক্ষা n. self-assessment. ̃সম্পর্কীয়, ̃সম্বন্ধীয় a. related to or connected with one's own self. ̃সম্ভ্রম, ̃সম্মান n. self-respect, self-esteem. ̃সর্বস্ব a. extremely self-centred or selfloving or selfish. ̃সাত্ n. appropriating to one's own use (usu. unlawfully); misappropriation; filching. a. appropriated to one's own use; misappropriated; filched. আত্মসাত্ করা v. to appropriate to one's own use; to misappropriate; to filch. ̃সার a. self-centred; extremely selfish. ̃সিদ্ধি n. attainment of one's own desires; salvation of one's own soul. ̃সুখ n. one's own happiness. সুখপরায়ণ, ̃সুখী a. happy only to attain one's own desires; extremely selfish. আত্মসুখী পরবৈরাগি highly concerned about one's own interest whilst apathetic to that of others. ̃স্হ a. self-possessed; absorbed; self-absorbed. ̃হত্যা n. self-killing, suicide. আত্মহত্যা করা v. to commit suicide. হত্যাকারী, ̃হন্তা a. killing oneself, committing suicide. n. a self-murderer. fem. হত্যাকারিণী, ̃হন্ত্রী । ̃হনন n. same as আত্মহত্যা । ̃হারা a. one who has lost self-possession, beside oneself. আত্মহারা হওয়া v. to lose self-possession; to be beside oneself. ̃হিত n. one's own good or welfare. 28)
(p. 126) āśā2 hope, expectation; assurance; confidence, reliance, trust (চাকরির উপর আশা, ছেলের উপর আশা); a part of the horizon (পূর্বাশা). আশা করা, আশা রাখা v. to hope, to expect; to place confidence (upon), to rely (upon), to trust. ̃তিরিক্ত, ̃তীত a. beyond expectation, unhopedfor; unexpected. ̃নুরূপ a. up to expectation. ̃ন্বিত a. hopeful, cherishing hope; expectant. ̃পথ চেয়ে থাকা to wait in expectation, to look forward to. আশা পোষণ করা v. to cherish hopes. ̃প্রদ a. that which excites or inspires hope, hopeful. ̃বাদ n. optimism. ̃বাদী a. optimistic. n. an optimist. ̃ভঙ্গ n. disappointment, frustration. ̃ভরসা n. hopes and confidence. ̃শূন্য, ̃হীন a. hopeless; disappointed. ̃হত a. disappointed, frustrated. 115)
(p. 126) āśbasta assured; heartened with hope or promise or assurance or consolation or confidence etc. আশ্বস্ত করা v. to assure; to hearten with hope or assurance. 123)
(p. 126) āśbāsa heartening with hope or promise or assurance or consolation or confidence etc. ̃ন n. heartening with hope or promise or assurance or consolation or confidence etc. ̃বাণী n. words that hearten with hope or promise or assurance or consolation or confidence etc. 124)
(p. 194) kapaṭa a chicane, a trick; chicanery, trickery; deceit. a deceitful; hypocritical, feigning, insincere (কপট বন্ধু); dissimulating, assumed (কপট বেশ). ̃তা n. chicanery; deceitfulness; hypocrisy, feigning, insincerity; dissimulation. ̃তাময় same as ̃কপট (a). ̃প্রবন্ধ n. a deceitful trick or design, a chicane, a stratagem. ̃বন্ধু a false friend. ̃বেশ a disguise. ̃বেশী a. disguised. কপটাচরণ, কপটাচার, কপটচারিতা n. chicanery; act of deceiving, deceit; feigning; hypocrisy, insincerity; dissimulation. কপটাচরণ করা v. to chicane, to deceive, to doublecross; to feign; to dissimulate. কপটাচারী, কপটচারী, কপটী a. practising chicanery, tricky; deceitful; hypocritical, feigning, insincere; dissimulating; disguising. fem. কপটাচারিণী, কপটচারিণী, কপটিনী । কপটালাপ n. hypocritical or insincere talk. 139)
(p. 226) kāmarūpa assuming any shape or form at will; beautiful, handsome, comely. n. a district in Assam. 17)
(p. 226) kāma2 the god of love and lust (cp. Cupid, Eros); desire; passion; love; lust, eroticism; sex-urge. ̃কলা n. the erotic science, the sexual science; the science of love. ̃কেলি n. sexual intercourse; an amorous sport. ̃গন্ধ n. trace of lust; trace of sex. ̃চর a. one who can travel at will; self-willed. ̃চার n. self-will. a. self-willed. ̃চারী a. one who can travel at will; self-willed; wanton, lascivious, profligate; lustful. fem. ̃চারিণী । ̃জ a. born of lust, produced by lust, erotogenic, erotogenous. ̃জ্বর n. a terrible fit of sex hunger. ̃দ a. granting or having the power of granting whatever one desires. ̃দা a. fem. of কামদ । n. a (mythological) wishing-cow. ̃দুঘা same as কামধেনু । ̃দূতী n. a female go-between in an amour or love affair; (dero.) procuress, a bawd. ̃দেব, ̃দেবতা n. the god of love and lust (cp. Cupid. Eros). ̃ধেনু n. a (mythological) wishing-cow. ̃পত্নী n. the wife of the god of love and lust. ̃পীড়িত a. stricken with the desire for sexual intercourse; love-sick. fem. ̃পীড়িতা । ̃প্রদ same as কামদ । ̃প্রবৃত্তি n. sexual desire or appetite, sex urge. ̃বল্লভ n. the spring. ̃বাই n. a maddening sex urge. ̃বাণ n. any of the five arrows of the god of love and lust, any one of Cupid's arrows. কামবাণে জর্জরিত smitten with carnal desires. ̃মোহিত a. overwhelmed with sexual desire. fem. কামমোহিতা । ̃রূপ, ̃রূপী a. capable of assuming shapes at will; extremely beautiful or good-looking. ̃শর same as কামবাণ । ̃শাস্ত্র n. the the erotic science, the sexual science; the science of love. ̃সখ n. the Spring (personified). ̃সূত্র same as কামশাস্ত্র । 9)
(p. 248) kūrmābatāra the second of the ten incarnations of Vishnu (বিষ্ণু) assuming the form of a tortoise. 32)
(p. 278) khātira cordial treatment or reception (খাতির পাওয়া); respect, honour (বিদ্বানের খাতির সর্বত্র); influence (মুরুব্বির খাতিরে চাকরি পওয়া); amity, good terms, intimacy (দুই বন্ধুতে খুব খাতির); interest, sake, account (চাকরির খাতিরে). খাতির করা v. to receive cordially; to treat respectfully; to care for (কারও খাতির করা); to comply with a friendly request of; to comply with. খাতির পাওয়া v. to receive or enjoy cordial reception; to receive cordial treatment; to be treated respectfully. খাতির রাখা v. to comply with a friendly request of; to comply with; to care for. ̃জমা n. certainty, asssuredness, assurance. a. assured. খাতির-নাদারত, খাতির-নাদারদ a. outspoken. n. slight, contempt; disregard. ̃যত্ন n. respect; polite regard; flattering attention. 10)
(p. 327) graha (astr. & astrol.) a planet; (astrol.) an evil planet, (loos.) an evil star (গ্রহের ফের); eclipse; act of taking; act of assuming (রূপগ্রহ); realization, comprehension (অর্থগ্রহ); misfortune. ̃কোপ n. the antagonism or opposition or evil influence of a planet. ̃জগত্ n. the planetary world. ̃তত্ত্ব n. astronomy. ̃দশা n. (astrol.) the period of direct influence of a planet esp. an evil planet. ̃দৃষ্টি n. (astrol.) planetary influence (direct or indirect), esp. evil influence. ̃দেবতা n. (astrol.) the guardian or presiding deity of a planet. ̃দোষ n. (astrol.) he evil influence of a planet. ̃পতি n. the sun. ̃পীড়া n. (astrol.) the suffering owing to the evil influence of a planet. ̃পূজা n. worship of the sun and other planets in order to propitiate them. ̃বিপ্র n. a Brahmin astrologer. ̃বৈগুণ্য, ̃বিপাক n. (astrol.) antagonism or hostility or opposition of a planet. ̃মণ্ডল n. (astr. & astrol.) the planetary system. ˜রাজ n. the sun. ̃শান্তি n. (astrol.) propitiation of planets. ̃স্ফুট n. a zodiacal sign indicating the position of a planet. 5)
(p. 327) grahaṇa1 taking or receiving (ভিক্ষাগ্রহণ); holding (হস্তগ্রহণ); assuming (ছদ্মবেশ গ্রহণ); adoption (সন্ন্যাস গ্রহণ); reception (অতিথিকে সাদরে গ্রহণ); acceptance (নিমন্ত্রণ গ্রহণ); comprehension, realization (রচনার অর্থগ্রহণ); drinking or eating (জলগ্রহণ, অন্নগ্রহণ); taking in (শ্বাসগ্রহণ); act of inhaling (গন্ধগ্রহণ). গ্রহণ করা v. to take, to receive; to hold; to assume; to adopt; to accept; to comprehend, to realize; to drink or eat; to take in; to inhale. ̃ক্ষম a. receptive. ̃ক্ষমতা, ̃শক্তি n. receptive power or capacity. 6)
(p. 375) chadma feigned, disguised, assumed, pretended; counterfeit, faked. ̃নাম n. assumed name, pen-name, pseudonym. ̃বেশ n. a disguise. ছদ্মবেশ ধারণ করা v. to disguise oneself, to assume a disguise. ̃বেশী a. disguised. fem. ̃বেশিনী । ছদ্মবেশী লোক an imposter; a person incognito. ̃বেশে adv. in disguise, incognito. 16)
(p. 400) jībana life; existence; lifetime (আজীবন); duration of life (জীবন ফুরানো); a living or livelihood (চাষই তার জীবন); a person or thing as dear or valuable as (one's) life (ছেলেটি তার জীবন); water. জীবন দেওয়া v. to sacrifice or lay down one's life, to die for; to give life to. জীবন পাওয়া v. to come to life; to come back to life. জীবন যাওয়া, জীবন হারানো v. to lose one's life, to die. জীবন নেওয়া v. to take one's life, to kill. ̃কথা, ̃কাহিনি, ̃চরিত n. biography. ̃চরিতকার n. a biographer. ̃জিজ্ঞাসা n. quest or inquiry into life's meaning. ̃দর্শন n. philosophy of life. ̃দান n. act of giving life to. জীবনদান করা same as জীবন দেওয়া । ̃দায়ক a. life-giving, life-saving. ̃ধারণ n. act of living; existence; act of leading one's life. জীবনধারণ করা v. to live; to exist; to lead one's life. ̃নাশ n. destruction of life; death. জীবননাশ করা v. to destroy the life (of); to kill. জীবননাশ হওয়া v. to have one's life destroyed; to lose one's life; to die. ̃প্রবাহ n. the cycle or flow of life. ̃বল্লভ n. husband; a lover. ̃বিমা n. life insurance, life assurance. জীবনবিমা করা v. to insure one's life. ̃বিহীন same as ̃শূন্য । ̃বৃত্তান্ত n. biography. ̃বেদ n. the view of life, philosophy of life, Weltans-chauung. ̃ভোর, ̃ভর adv. throughout one's life. ̃মরণ n. life and death a. life-and-death (জীবনমরণ সমস্যা) ̃যাত্রা n. livelihood. ̃যাপন n. leading one's life; living. জীবনযাপন করা v. to lead one's life; to live. ̃শূন্য a. lifeless; dead; inanimate. ̃সংগ্রাম n. the stru-ggle for existence. ̃সংশয় n. a critical or precarious condition. ̃সঙ্গিনী n. a wife; a female life-companion. masc. ̃সঙ্গী a male life-companion; a husband. ̃সঞ্চার n. infusion of life, resuscitation. ̃সর্বস্ব n. everything in or of one's life; all that one lives for. ̃হীন same as ̃শূন্য । ̃স্মৃতি n. an autobiographical memoir. 105)
(p. 427) ṭhākura a god, a deity; an idol; God; an overlord; a lord; a master; a man deserving respect or reverence (পিতাঠাকুর); an elder (সমাজের ঠাকুর হয়ে বসা); a spiritual guide, a guru; a priest; a teacher; a Brahman; a Brahman employed as a cook (রান্নার ঠাকুর); a father or a forefather; (of a woman) a father-in-law (শ্বশুরঠাকুর). fem. ঠাকুরানি । ঠাকুর কাত (hum.) the patron divine or human has forsaken; (hum.) displeased. ̃ঘর n. a room in a dwelling house set apart for worship and prayer. ঠাকুর ঘরে কেআমি তো কলা খাইনি (fig.) an offender often betrays himself unconsciously. ̃জামাই n. the husband of a sister of one's husband, a brother-in-law. ̃ঝি n. a sister of one's husband, a sister-in-law. ̃দাদা n. a (paternal) grandfather or granduncle. ̃দালান n. a hall or building attached to or within the precincts of a dwelling house set apart for worship and prayer. ̃পূজা n. the daily worship of the guardian deity of a family. ̃পো n. a younger brother of one's husband, a brother-in-law. ̃মা n. a (paternal) grandmother or grandaunt. ̃সেবা same as ̃পূজা । ঠাকুরালি, (chiefly poet.) ঠাকুরাল n. authority, rule; supremacy, predominance; godhead, godhood; godlike deceit or fun or assumption ('ছাড় তোমার ঠাকুরালি'). 13)
(p. 432) ḍān̐ṭa2 (coll.) firmness; spiritedness, vigour; (coll.) vanity or arrogance. ডাঁট করা, ডাঁট দেখানো, ডাঁট মারা v. (coll.) to assume an air of firmness or spiritedness or superiority or vanity or arrogance; to parade. 26)
(p. 449) tarka a debate, an argument; reasoning; logic (তর্কশাস্ত্র); cause; discussion; consideration (মনে মনে তর্ক); dispute, controversy; altercation; doubt; assumption. তর্ক করা v. to debate; to argue; to reason; to discuss, to consider; to dispute; to altercate, to bandy words. ̃কারী a. & n. one who debates or argues or reasons or considers or disputes or altercates or bandies words; one who chops logic. ̃জাল n. array of arguments; (derog.) cobweb of argument. ̃বিজ্ঞান, ̃বিদ্যা, ̃শাস্ত্র n. logic. ̃বিতর্ক n. debate; altercation; arguments; bandying of words. ̃যুদ্ধ n. war of words. ̃যোগ্য a. arguable; debatable; controversial. ̃সাধ্য a. arguable; disputable; debatable. তর্কাতর্কি same as তর্কবিতর্ক । তর্কাভাস n. sophistry; a sophism. তর্কের খাতিরে adv. for the sake of argument. 74)
(p. 449) tarkita debated; argued; discussed, considered; probable; anticipated; assumed. 75)
(p. 517) dēha the body; physique; a corpse. দেহ মাটি করা v. (fig.) to ruin one's health. ̃কোষ n. the skin; the cell of the body; (loos.) a blood-cell or blood-vessel. ̃ক্ষয় n. waste or decay of the body; deterioration or break-down of health; death. দেহক্ষয় করা v. to ruin one's health (esp. by hard toil). চর্যা n. care of the body or physique; physical exercise. ̃জ, ̃জাত a. born or produced out of a body; bodily (দেহজ মল). n. a son. n. fem. ̃জা a daughter. ̃তত্ত্ব n. physiology; anatomy; the doctrine that the body is the seat of all truths. ̃তত্ত্বজ্ঞ a. versed in physiology or anatomy or in the aforesaid doctrine. ̃ত্যাগ n. death, act of giving up the ghost. দেহত্যাগ করা v. to die, to give up the ghost. ̃ধারণ n. act of assuming a body; act of taking one's birth; incarnation; subsistence (দেহধারণের ব্যয়). দেহধারণ করা v. to assume a body; to take one's birth; to assume an incarnate body or to take one's birth as an incarnation; to subsist (upon). ̃ধারী a. corporeal; bodied; incarnate. ̃পাত same as দেহক্ষয় । দেহপাত করা v. same as দেহক্ষয় করা । ̃পিঞ্জর n. the body conceived as a cage for the spirit. ̃পুষ্টি n. nourishment of the body. ̃ভৃত্ n. an embodied soul; a living being, a creature. ̃যষ্টি n. the body, conceived as an upright stick, the body, the frame. ̃যাত্রা n. subsistence. ̃রক্ষা n. death. দেহরক্ষা করা v. to die, to breathe one's last, to give up the ghost. ̃রক্ষী n. a body-guard. ̃সার n. marrow. ̃সৌন্দর্য, ̃সৌষ্ঠব n. the beauty or grace of the body, bodily grace. 31)
(p. 532) dharā2 to hold with the hand (বইখানা ধরো); to catch (বলটা ছুড়ে দিচ্ছি-ধরো); to hold, to seize; to take (এই ভিক্ষা দিলাম-ধরো); to touch (চোর-চোর খেলায় বুড়ি ধরা, বাচ্ছাটা যেন গরম দুধটা না ধরে); to reach (হাত দিয়ে চাঁদ ধরা); to overtake (যতই জোরে যাও-তোমাকে ধরব); to arrest, to apprehend, to capture (চোর ধরা); to entrap, to catch (বাঘ ধরা, মাছ ধরা); to restrain, to check; to hold (পাখিটাকে ধরো নইলে পালিয়ে যাবে); to contain, to hold, to accommodate (পাত্রে জল ধরা, ঘরে লোক ধরা); to bear (গাছে ফল ধরা); to carry, to bear (গর্ভে ধরা); to cherish (অন্তরে উচ্চাশা ধরা); to wear, to put on (বেশ ধরা); to assume (মূর্তি ধরা); to take to, to resort to (লাঠি ধরা); to be obstinate about (গোঁ ধরা); to take up (অস্ত্র ধরা); to follow (পথ ধরা); to give support to (লোকটিকে ধরো নইলে পড়ে যাবে); to attack (ডাকাতে ধরা, রোগে ধরা); to affect or infect (চোখে চালশে ধরা, যক্ষায় ধরা); to ache (মাথা ধরা); to be benumbed (দাঁড়িয়ে থেকে থেকে পা ধরা); to infest or attack or damage or contact (পোকায় ধরা, মরচে ধরা); to accept, to take in (ছবিতে রং ধরা); to act upon successfully, to work (ওষুধ ধরা); to start practising (জুয়াচুরি ধরা); to be accustomed or addicted to (নেশা ধরা); to be under the influence of (নেশায় ধরা); to be stricken or affected with (শীতে বা ভয়ে ধরা); to catch or board or embark (তিনি মুম্বই থেকে জাহাজ ঝরবেন); to be in time to catch (এখন না গেলে ট্রেন ধরতে পারব না); to stop at, to touch (এ স্টেশনে মেল ট্রেন ধরে না); to terminate, to cease (বৃষ্টি ধরা); to commence, to begin, to start (গান ধরা); to find out, to detect (ভূল ধরা); to impose or assess (ট্যাক্স ধরা); to charge or fix or ascertain (দাম ধরা); to pronounce, to utter (ঈশ্বরের নাম ধরা); to declare, to stake or bet or bid (বাজি ধরা); to insist upon, to beseech (অনেক ধরে-করে); to sustain, to preserve, to maintain (প্রাণ করা); to run hoarse, to choke (ঠাম্ডায় গলা ধরা); to grasp, to make out, to understand, to comprehend (কথার অর্থ ধরা); to determine or discern (কার লেখা ধরা শক্ত); to take fire, to ignite (উনুন ধরা); to catch fire (আগুনের কাছ থেকে সরে যাও-কাপড় ধরে যাবে); to be set on (ঘরে আগুন ধরা); to adopt (সেলিম জাহাঙ্গির নাম ধরলেন); to test (পড়া ধরা); to be pleasing or acceptable to (মনে ধরা); to turn (চুলে পাক ধরা); to be under, to contact (টান ধরা); to count, to consider, to regard (মানুষের মধ্যে ধরা); to pay heed to, to listen to (আমার কথা ধরো); to be overfried or overdone (তরকারিটা ধরে গেছে) a. held; caught; seized; arrested, apprehended, captured; entrapped; contained; reserved or kept in a container; aching; terminated, ceased; commenced, started; found out, detected; seen through (চালাকি ধরা পড়েছে); declared or bidden; fixed or ascertained; run hoarse or choked; ignited; tested; one who or that which holds or catches (মাছ-ধরা জাল). ধরা-ছোঁয়া n. proximity; reach; tangibility; (fig.) comprehension or detection. ধরা-ছোঁয়ার বাইরে distant; beyond reach; intangible; (fig.) incomprehensible or beyond detection. ধরাছোঁয়ার মধ্যে proximate; within reach; tangible; (fig.) comprehensible or detectable. ধরানো v. to cause to hold or catch or seize or arrest or apprehend or entrap or contain or accommodate or wear or assume or take to or resort to or follow or take up or be attacked or ache or be dazed or be benumbed or contact or accept or work successfully or be accustomed to or addicted to or practise or board or embark or be in time to catch or terminate or commence or find out or detect or declare or bid or buy a ticket of or lie obstinately at or charge or fix or ascertain or run hoarse or choke or ignite or be set or adopt or test or be pleasing or acceptable to or turn or be under; to set to (ঘরে আগুন ধরানো). ̃ধরি n. persistent request; importunities; insistent solicitation; rounding up, arrests. ̃বাঁধা a. rigidly fixed; hard and fast; rigid; fixed. 11)
(p. 540) dhāraṇa act of holding or catching; act of assuming (মূর্তিধারণ, নামাধারণ); act of putting on or wearing (বেশধারণ); act of bearing (শিরে পৃথিবী ধারণ); act of carrying, carriage (গর্ভে ধারণ); act of carrying in the womb (সন্তানধারণ); act of placing (মাথায় প্রসাদ ধারণ); act of retaining in mind, remembrance (উপদেশধারণ); acceptance; retention or restraint (মলমূত্রের বেগ ধারণ). ধারণ করা v. to hold, to catch; to assume; to wear, to put on; to bear; to carry; to carry in the womb; to place or put; to retain in the mind, to remember; to accept; to retain or restrain. ̃কারী same as ধারয়িতা । 17)
(p. 540) dhāraṇīẏa capable of being or fit to be held or caught or assumed or worn or put on or borne or carried or placed or retained in the mind or accepted or retained or restrained. 19)
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